TT Fertilisers Sdn Bhd
22A-M Jalan 6/6,
Pandan Indah Commercial Park,
55100 Ampang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
22A-M Jalan 6/6,
Pandan Indah Commercial Park,
55100 Ampang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
+603-4291 9986
+603-4293 9986
Welcome to TT Fertilisers Sdn Bhd
TT Fertilisers Sdn Bhd is a fertilizer supplier company located in Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia.
TT Fertilisers Sdn Bhd
12% N Total Nitrogen 氮 7.34% N Nitrate Nitrogen 硝态氮 4.66% N Ammonium Nitrogen铵态氮 6% P2O5 Fosforus Berlarut 水溶性磷肥 26% K2O Potassium Oxide Berlarut 水溶性氧化 2% MgO Magnesium Oxide Berlarut 水溶性氧化镁 0.05% B Boron 硼 0.03% Cu Kuprum 铜 0.50% Fe Ferum 铁 0.05% Mo Molybdenum 钼 0.01% Zn Zink 锌 |
12% N Total Nitrogen 5% N Ammonium Nitrogen 7% N Nitrate Nitrogen 12% P2O5 Water- Soluble Phosphate 17% K2O Water- Soluble Magnesium Oxide 2% MgO Water- Soluble Magnesium Oxide 7.5% S total sulphur 0.02% B Boron 0.01% Zn Zinc |
2015 来自砂劳越 BATU NIAH的刘先生拥有30亩斜坡地油棕园。 7年树园主于六月开始施放奇迹肥。 Encik Liew menguruskan kebun sawit yang seluas 30 ekar di Batu NIAH, SARAWAK, 7 tahun pokok pada tahun 2015 June, Encik Liew bermula menggunakan Baja Miracle. 2015之前产果量/ Sebelum Pengeluaran Buah: June-30.5 Ton July- 29.9 Ton Aug- 30.90Ton Sept- 35.80Ton Oct- 16.54 Ton Total:143.64 Ton |
2016 使用奇迹肥一年的效果,让顾客非常满意。 低成本,高产量!施肥轻松! Kesan daripada penggunaan baja Miracle setahun selepas, pelanggan yang sangat berpuas hati 2016之后产果量/ Selepas Pengeluaran Buah: June-40.66 Ton July- 25.65 Ton Aug- 35.65Ton Sept- 33.29Ton Oct- 31.39 Ton Total 166.64 Ton |
The Benefit of durian tree after use the Miracle: 1.叶片更加翠绿 Leaves are more green 2.树干更加强壮 Trunk more stronger 3.产量增加 Productivity increased 4.榴莲外壳更加翠绿 Durian shell is more green 5.果肉更加鲜黄并且甜美 Fruit is more yellow and sweet |
DaMi Producing more chlorophyll and proteins which promotes vigorous growth of axillary buds, formation and pollination of flowers, thus increasing fruit weight and early plant maturation. 大米 大米是有利于植物体内叶绿素和蛋白质等物质的有机合成体, 从而达到植物迅速生长的结果。其对植物幼芽生长,开花果实增重和促进早熟都有令人意想不到的成果。同时,也能加强农作物的生长能力和延缓老化。 |
Doro YH鱼王 Doro YH is pure fish oil produced from Japan. It is made from the local fresh fish. It is rich in nutrients that can help plants to increase or open stomata and guard cells, plant cells help transport and absorb carbon dioxide. It is 100% organic and can be used for foliar or soil. 多籮 YH鱼王 YH鱼王是出产自日本的纯鱼油,是用当地新鲜鱼类制造而成的。它含有丰富的营养成分,能帮助植物增大/打开细胞的戒备气孔及协助植物细胞输送和吸收二氧化碳。它是100 %有机质,用于叶面或土壤都可以。 |
Doro XT 仙土 Practice has proved that, Doro XT soil involved in herbicide use will enable more potent herbicides, weeds die more at the end, but also to protect and improve the soil's acidity. After using Doro XT, weed growth will be delayed. When used, the rainy season will also affect the results. In general, spraying herbicides, should be carried out in fine weather. In addition, Doro XT earth can also be used alone. It liberates soil fertilizer and remove residual toxins. Loose soil organic matter can strengthen the roots of palm trees and stimulate the absorption capacity of the soil while microbial or bacteria growth is doubled. 多籮 XT 仙土 实践证明,XT仙土参与 除草剂同时使用能令除草剂效力更强,野草死得更撤底,同时也能保护和改善土壤的酸性,特别的是使用后野草将会延迟生长。使用时,雨季也会影响效果,一般来说,喷施除草剂,宜选择在天气晴朗时进行。除此之外,XT仙土也可以单独使用。它能解放土壤残余化肥和清除毒素,有机物质能疏松土壤加强棕树根部吸收能力及刺激土壤里的微生物/益菌加倍生长。 |
Doro Green package: Green package can be used for sapling old trees. It is useful for the tree trunk to increase the lush and plump fruit, maintain the pigment of the fruit and is the most neutral fertilizer. 多籮青装: 多籮青装,营养最平均的化肥选择,适合所有种植树苗,也是增加果实、维持树身均高与及色素亮丽,平均生长的好化肥。 |
Doro White package: White package will make the trees grow well and strong, blossom, bear fruit and stimulate the roots to absorb nutrition. 多籮白装: 多籮白装,可以令树身更壮、开花更茂密、促进根部对营养物质的吸收力,让果实生长饱满、质重、色美,提高生产力。 |
Doro Red Package: Contain abundant plant nutrients which helps to increase the harvest of your orchard, increase the yield and fruit weight and tree trunk growth. 多籮红装: 多籮红装,含有植物必需要的丰富营养成分,是帮助您的果园增加收成、增加产量、增加果实重量与让树身壮大。 |
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